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Environmentally Aware

It’s our responsibility to preserve and protect our natural resources. That’s why we strive to do everything we can to care for the planet—from serving wild, and sustainable seafood to supporting organizations that are dedicated to the well-being of the environment. In addition to serving sustainable seafood such as oysters, clams and mussels, Dungeness crab, and salmon, we also participate in the following practices.

RECYCLING: We reuse and recycle everything possible, including glass, plastics, and paper. We also compost all organic food waste, including shells, in partnership with Cedar Grove.

SMART CATCH: Smart Catch certifies restaurants that commit to serving sustainable fish based on criteria such as health of fish stocks, volume of bycatch, and impacts of fishing on fish habitats. We have exceeded Smart Catch standards by serving 97% of their seafood sustainably.

PUGET SOUND RESTORATION FUND (PSRF): Since 1997, this local, non-profit organization has worked to restore the Sound’s water quality, native marine species, and their habitats. Every year, we are pleased to donate a portion of proceeds from our Oyster New Year Bash to help contribute to the positive efforts of this non-profit. We make a separate donation each year to support PSRF, totaling more than $130,000 to date.

THE MONTEREY BAY AQUARIUM SEAFOOD WATCH® This highly regarded program makes science-based seafood recommendations to help ensure a healthy ocean ecosystem for future generations. We make educated decisions when sourcing seafood following Seafood Watch recommendations.

WILD SALMON SUPPORTERS: We are part of an extensive network of top chefs and restaurants that has pledged to serve only wild, sustainable salmon.